Advocates's Corner

Meet the person behind Advocate's Corner
 MRSS Newsletters
Amy Burk
I have been part of the Mystical Rose for Seminarian Support from its beginning and I know what it takes to promote our Vision and to accomplish our Mission. All of the hard work and dedication, yes the sacrifices that our members endure don't receive the recognition that they deserve. 

So when the idea of “Advocate’s Corner” came up… It seemed to be a perfect forum to acknowledge our members for their work and commitment to our mission. So from time to time I will be writing a newsletter doing just that.
But I will also share with you information concerning upcoming events and the accomplishments of our organization. So please stay in touch.

As president of MRSS, I offer a special welcome to all who visit, 
“I sincerely hope this will be a useful tool in learning more about our organization and our vision and mission. I hope this website stirs in you the desire to multiply Jesus through our future priest.  May God bless all our visitors. We hope you find something here to bring you back again.”